So long, and thanks for all the fish My father, Fred, passed on today.  It’s been coming for a while, and yet, when it happens, it feels so sudden.  It was peaceful and seemed painless. I told him his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren would be...

Everybody was KUNGFOO FIGHTING (and it was so exciting) So we checked out the opening night of NANDA’s West Coast tour tonight. They were the toughest, bad-assest, Bugs Bunnyist, funniest spectacle I’ve seen in a while. Oh ma guuuyyy!!!! Unfortunately,...

A prayer for Fred Hi all. As many of you know, Fred is not doing so well these days. He is very slowly trying to pass the threshold from this life to the next.  He seems to be in no pain, and while he can no longer eat or drink or open his eyes or speak, he can...

Earthcake Rose baked the cake (dairy free chocolate cake with avocado chocolate frosting that was vaguely herbal, strangely earthy, but creamy delish). Dennis lit the fire. Chris blew the wind. And River marveled at it all.