First off, check out the world’s funniest photobomb, courtesy of Rose. We laughed. We cried. We laughed again.
On our way back from the rodeo (yes, somewhere in there I threw in the chronologically incorrect hike with LaLa and Elvez at Bumbershoot – lots to Tumble this weekend, just playing catchup now), we thought we’d take Joel to Leavenworth, our favorite faux Bavarian village for some good Mexican food (you know, when in Bavaria …), and stop to ogle all things slithery at the Reptile Zoo in Sultan with some down-home Texas BBQ.
I feel comfortable that Joel may now launch his university career at Kings College and say he’s been bucked off a mechanical bull, inhaled the dust of a real cowboy rodeo, cheered with the perkiest of cheerleaders, experienced Christmas in the summer, not been killed by one of the world’s deadliest snakes, and eaten some down-right, genuine good ‘cue.
Cuz this is ‘Merica, dammit!
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