DON: I forgot to ask … Do you use Google Maps?D-D: Yeah I do. I love it. Do you use it?DON: I love it too. Sometimes I turn it on just for company.

CHEMO FAIL NUMERO DOS One big monkey with a tumor in her head Went to the doctor and the doctor said,NOT ENOUGH WHITE CELLS, BLOOD’S TOO RED. GO HOME, SKIP CHEMO AND CLIMB IN BED!

HOUSE OF THEE UNHOLYRocklesque redux “Tell him what you told me,” demanded my friend Leo. “What did I tell you?” I asked. “About the show, House of Thee UnHoly,” he hinted, trying to jog my troubled memory. “You said it waaaasss …” “Great?” I asked. “NO! You said it...

House of Thee UnHoly This spectacular rocklesque tribute to ‘70s is the brain child of creative director, paulanow (formerly Paula the Swedish Housewife) and – lucky you all – it is returning to Seattle for the first time in years. I HIGHLY recommend...

KATHY: I burned my finger. D-D: How? KATHY: I don’t know. D-D: Maybe you burned it cooking. KATHY: Yeah, that’s it. D-D: What were you cooking? KATHY: Old people.