Everybody, I want you to meet Garrett. Garrett, I want you to meet everybody (I’ll tell you about them when you’re older).
Garrett and I both “graduated” from proton therapy today. I promised him I’d play dress-up during our last few treatments. You see the results. He’s as much as a ham as I and he fell right into my game. God I love a receptive audience!
Anyhoozles, I digress. I want to talk about the sage of youth, and this youth of sage.
Teachers come in all forms. But in Garrett, I found a shaman. Garrett helped guide me – and everyone who swam in his wake at the proton center- to swim in the Candyland pool of blue skies and sunshine, deep breaths, neon lollipops … and fearless fighting.
Thank you Garrett. Congratulations to you my dear.
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