A PERIWINKLE IN TIME Today: Chemo. Tomorrow: The World! No, rewind. Erase. Skip the world part and let’s start over at the chemo part. Now, I had read that chemo is the thing that makes you really sick in Candyland. You get an infusion. You throw up. You throw up some...

SMOOTH MOVE Since you asked, even though you didn’t, I’ll tell you the real poop. Up until now, this whole adventure in Candyland has been a cake walk. I mean, not a “cake walk” necessarily, but I’ve found it completely new and fascinating and surreal, like, say,...

HERITAGE FESTIVAL BIG SMOKE SMACKDOWN II Some more love for some of the judges, the fans, and most of all the competitors at the second annual Heritage Festival Big Smoke Smackdown. Photos by Kathleen Flinn.

HERITAGE FESTIVAL BIG SMOKE SMACKDOWN Jack, Steve and Tia hosted the second annual Big Smoke Smackdown last weekend at Columbia City’s Heritage Festival at The Royal Room. Seven teams of avid smokers brought grills and smokers and meat, meat and more meat and...