ISLAND TIME Ada and I took a little sidetrip after Fuchsia and Kim’s wedding to the lighthouse on Maury Island (it’s contiguous to Vashon and near Pirate Camp, where kids don’t shower all week and they gamble for candy and they play with fire and...

LOVE ROCKS! So declared Pastor Kaleb as we all joined in and sang love’s praises in celebration of Reanna and Kim’s wedding this weekend.  Having met on – not Good Cupid, certainly not Excellent Cupid – but just OK Cupid, those two showed us...

VIRGINIA LEE KAY RAWLEY April 29, 1922 – August 12, 2013 Hi all, one of my mother’s sisters died this week. If you’ve ever wondered where I get my off-the-wall sense of humor and somewhat glib attitude, it comes from this side of the family, and Virginia was no...

VISIONARY Okay y’all, update. So, turns out I’m a thenthitive printheth, and radiation maketh me go haywire. My first session, though painless, left me a little nauseous. Less than 12 hours later I had my second session in Little Chernobyl, which left me with double...

MAN DOWN You guys, I am a wuss. Not TWO radiation treatments in, I lost it. TWO! After my first one, I went home, had dinner with Ada and Jack, got a little nauseous, and went to bed. Right? So far so good. Then I woke the next morning and couldn’t walk well and...