FAMBLY FAR & WIDE Uch! I barely got to see you all and I love you so much!!! Thank you for coming … 

D-DAY HAS ARRIVED!  Strike the trumpets! Blow the horns! Ring the bells! And bang the drums!  For today we head to Little Chernobyl, where I will get strapped into my Hannibel Lecter head vice, locked into my body shell, and nuked throughout my head and spine two...

STRIKE FORCE KITTEH As part of Operation Woo-Woo, we’ve created Strike Force Kitteh. What is Strike Force Kitteh? I’m glad you asked. It is when one very lovely niece Laura steals away a kitteh kat or two from the animal shelter to give them some home time and to give...

Nasty looking stuff in what could be a perfectly good Dickey’s Barbeque cup!  Actually it kinda looks like Dickey’s Barbeque from a blender. I’m sending you angels – all kinds – big, bad ones like St. Michael and fiery ones and...

omf g

jesus fucking christ, deirdre. rilke said “you must change your life” but this is ridiculous. your words are powerful and raw, and i thank you for sharing this experience. which must be just weird and draining as a motherfucker. omg your daughter is a...