ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! It’s official! Jack’s BBQ opens to the public this Monday, Sept. 8. Chefs, bartenders, fire tenders and waitresses busted out some mean brisket, chicken, sausage, ribs, mac-and-cheese, corn pudding, pralines and so much more as friends and...

DOWN HAMPSHIRE WAY This month. Oh, this month. August of 2014. I lost my two favorite women this month. I lost one to the great beyond. And I lost the other to the future. Driving along I-90 in Massachusetts, past steeples, past early American farms, past verdant...

Kathleen Kay Allen May 26, 1936-August 10, 2014 Kathy joined the choir eternal this morning. Sam was with her as she drew her last breath. She was truly the strongest, bravest, most opinionated and funny woman I know. Thank you to all who shared in her joyous approach...

BEDSIDE VIGIL After a tortuous 24 hours of Kathy crying, moaning, convulsing and calling out the names of those who have passed before her (Grandma, Mama, Daddy, Carol, Fred, Richard, and most curiously and quite often someone named Marilyn), she has settled into a...

FRANKENFOOTER Fate is funny. As soon as I say Sayonara to hospitals, Jack’s toe has a run-in with a 4X6 steel beam, essentially crushing Leftie Big Bumble Boy. Just before knocking Jack out, his surgeon confidently said, “I can’t determine from your operation where...